3D position estimation of badminton shuttle using unsynchronized multiple-view videos
Category: Engineering and Technology
Author: Shishido, H., Kameda, Y., Kitahara, I. & Ohta, Y.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Pan America
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311489237_3D_Position_Estimation_of_Badminton_Shuttle_Using_Unsynchronized_Multiple-View_Videos
In this paper, we introduce a method to estimate 3D position of a badminton shuttle using unsynchronized multiple-view videos. The research of object tracking for sports is conducted as an application of Computer Vision to improve the tactics involved with such sports. This paper proposes a technique to stably estimate object’s position by using motion blur that used be considered as observational noise in the ordinary works. Badminton shuttle has a large variation of the moving speed, the motion trajectory is unpredictable and moreover the observation size is very small. Thus, it canno
3D vision based fast badminton localization with prediction and error elimination for badminton robot
Category: Engineering and Technology
Author: Chen, Z. et al.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/7578819/
In this paper, the problem of fast badminton localization problem is investigated for a class of badminton robots. More precisely, a manifold-learning based localization method is implemented for the improvement of hitting accuracy and effectiveness. Based on the localization results, a novel badminton trajectory prediction algorithm is designed based on 3D Vision in the real world. Furthermore, clock-synchronization combined with motion compensation methods are also proposed to better localization error elimination. In the end, the validity and usefulness of our proposed algorithm is demonst
A applied research on the teaching games for understanding approach in selective badminton course at Polytechnic College
Category: Skills and Training
Author: Zeng Y.-Z
Year: 2011
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-FUJI201105011.htm
Teaching games for understanding approach is one of the teaching methods that represent quality education and the idelolgy of course,which contributes to creativity of college students.Teaching games for understanding approach was applied into the selective badminton course at general college.Teaching games for understanding approach,different from the traditional teaching method that is based on teaching techniques,excites the activeness of students,arouses interests of learning,making the class dynamic and at the same time increase the effectiveness of teaching.The purpose of this study is
A biomechanical analysis of common lunge tasks in badminton
Category: Biomechanics
Author: Kuntze, G., Mansfield, N. J. & Sellers W.
Year: 2010
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20391092
The lunge is regularly used in badminton and is recognized for the high physical demands it places on the lower limbs. Despite its common occurrence, little information is available on the biomechanics of lunging in the singles game. A video-based pilot study confirmed the relatively high frequency of lunging, approximately 15% of all movements, in competitive singles games. The biomechanics and performance characteristics of three badminton-specific lunge tasks (kick, step-in, and hop lunge) were investigated in the laboratory with nine experienced male badminton players. Ground reaction for
A biomechanical analysis of the knee during jump landing
Category: Biomechanics
Author: Syamimi, K. N. S. K., Salim, M. S. & Omar, N
Year: 2012
Language: English
Region: Oceania
Source: https://ojs.ub.uni-konstanz.de/cpa/article/viewFile/5280/4854
Excerpt: This paper discussed jump landing activity that is a frequently performed task in volleyball, badminton smash and basketball game that may lead to injury if the wrong landing techniques have been used. The Qualysis Track Manager software, Oqus camera system and Delsys were used to record and analyze the performance. Eight male and eight female, aged 20 to 25 years, were selected in the study. The result shows that the female subjects have a greater GRF than the male subjects for these three sports. In addition, female subjects landed with lesser knee flexion angles. It is concluded that the ma
A biomechanical and physiological investigation of atypical gaits used in badminton
Category: Biomechanics
Author: Kunze, G.
Year: 2008
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/dspace-jspui/bitstream/2134/8117/3/Thesis-2008-Kuntze.pdf
This thesis is concerned with quantifying the biomechanics and physiological consequences of sport-specific movements in order to answer the question if atypical movements in badminton result in abnormally larger demands that could be linked to relatively high levels of injuries sustained.
A biomechanical investigation of right-forward lunging step among badminton players
Category: Biomechanics
Author: Mei, Q., Gu, Y., Fu, F. & Fernandez, J.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301287000_A_biomechanical_investigation_of_right-forward_lunging_step_among_badminton_players
This study presents the kinematics and plantar pressure characteristics of eight elite national-level badminton athletes and eight recreational college-level badminton players while performing a right-forward lunge movement in a laboratory-simulated badminton court. The hypothesis was that recreational players would be significantly different from elite players in kinematics and plantar pressure measures. Vicon® motion capture and Novel® insole plantar pressure measurement were simultaneously taken to record the lower extremity kinematics and foot loading during stance.
A co-relationional study of the personality and performance of badminton players
Category: Psychology
Author: Attri, D.
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20143070131
The aim of present study was to corelate of personality of performance of Badminton players. This study was carried out at different Colleges of Punjabi University, Patiala. The selected subjects at least represented intervarsity level. The age of the sample ranged from 18-25 years, and all the samples were selected from random basis 100 subjects were selected for the study. To assess the personality of the player’s Eysenck personality inventory was used and this inventory is highly reliable and valid.
A comparative study of some variables of the respiratory system due to power systems of badminton players
Category: Exercise Physiology
Author: Neama, A. W., Kadhem, T. H., Abdelkerim, R. K., Khazaal, R. & Helal, T.
Year: 2015
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: http://oaji.net/articles/2015/1264-1433490280.pdf
Conducted the current study to nine players from the team Diyala University badminton underwent tests and measurements testing research by device (Fit mate pro) used in Ajraat research in order to identify the response functional for the respiratory system on according to energy systems working for the players and then compare them in Benaha in three cases system} is anaerobic work (ATB) system and work lactic (PC) and the oxygen system work (O2).
A comparative study of sports competitive anxiety between male and female badminton players
Category: Psychology
Author: Bamaniya, C. B. & Bamaniya, B.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: http://www.journalofsports.com/pdf/2016/vol1issue2/PartC/2-1-61-862.pdf
Excerpt: Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the Sports Competitive Anxiety between the male and female badminton player in Indore District, (MP). Methodology: Total (N=60) badminton male and female players, male (30) and Female (30), belonging from the Indore District, (MP) State were selected. The variable selected for the present study was Sports Competitive Anxiety. Sports Competitive Anxiety Test (SCAT) by R. Martin, 1990 was used as criterion measure. For comparing Sports Competitive Anxiety between the male and female players, descriptive Statistics and independent ’t’ test wer
A comparative study of visual reaction time in badminton players and healthy controls
Category: Skills and Training
Author: Bhabhor, M. et al.
Year: 2013
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: http://www.themedicalacademy.in/fxconsult1/userfiles/13_%20A%20COMPARATIVE%20STUDY%20OF%20VISUAL%20REACTION%20TIME%20IN%20BADMINTON%20PLAYERS%20AND%20HEALTHY%20CONTROLS.pdf
Reaction time is duration between application of a stimulus to onset of response. Visual reaction time is time required to response to visual stimuli. The present study was conducted to measure visual reaction time in 100 subjects (50 Badminton players and 50 healthy controls)
A comparison between Talent Identification and Development (TID) for badminton in China and the UK
Category: Sociology of Sport
Author: Gao, R. Y.
Year: 2017
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: http://dspace.stir.ac.uk/handle/1893/25675#.Wvj6c4CFOUk
The research set out below is a study into badminton talent identification and development (TID) in China and the United Kingdom (UK). The study compares and contrasts the relative success of the systems used in China and the UK, discussing the similarities and differences in both country’s badminton TID programmes. This research followed a mixed methodology using three different types of research.
A comparison of heart rate responses in racquet games
Category: Exercise Physiology
Author: Docherty, D.
Year: 1982
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1859130/
The present study investigated the heart rate response to playing tennis with special reference to the skill levels and ages of the participants. Data obtained in a similar manner during earlier studies of badminton and squash players were compared with that obtained during tennis. The number of rallies, mean rally time and actual playing time in 30 minutes of play was also compared for the different skill levels and sports.
A comparison of singles and doubles badminton: heart rate response, player profiles and game characteristics
Category: Exercise Physiology
Author: Alcock, A. & Alison, T. N.
Year: 2009
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24748668.2009.11868479?journalCode=rpan20
Physiological demands of singles and doubles badminton were compared to assist coaches in evidence-based design of training programs. Sixteen male players (eight singles and eight doubles) were tested for physical and physiological characteristics. Heart rates were monitored during competition and games videoed to allow for lapsed-time analysis.
A comparison of the physiological demands of singles and doubles badminton: A heart rate and time/motion analysis
Category: Exercise Physiology
Author: Liddle, S.D., Murphy, M.H., Bleakley, W.
Year: 1996
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/237081096_A_comparison_of_the_physiological_demands_of_singles_and_doubles_badminton_A_heart_rate_and_timemotion_analysis
The purpose of this study was to compare the demands of singles and doubles badminton through heart rate and time motion analysis.
A competition analysis of the single and double disciplines in world-class badminton
Category: Notional Analysis
Author: Gawin, W., Beyer, C. & Seidler, M.
Year: 2015
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/24748668.2015.11868846
Competition analyses in badminton commonly focus on the singles disciplines while relatively few studies deal with the demands of the doubles disciplines. Knowledge about the characteristics of the doubles disciplines, however, is essential for coaches in elite badminton in order to set up specific endurance training. For this purpose, the time structure of 50 matches of the world’s top ten players in the singles and doubles was investigated.
A dynamical system perspective to understanding badminton singles game play
Category: Notional Analysis
Author: Chow, J. Y., Seifert, L., Hérault, R., Chia, S. J. Y. & Lee, M. C. Y.
Year: 2014
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0167945713000985
By altering the task constraints of cooperative and competitive game contexts in badminton, insights can be obtained from a dynamical systems perspective to investigate the underlying processes that results in either a gradual shift or transition of playing patterns.
A free-floating right atrial thrombus: Playing a squash match with badminton equipment. An old problem managed by a new technique
Category: Medicine and Sports Injuries
Author: Sochman, J., Frídl, P., Vrbská, J., Vaková, V., Voska, L.
Year: 2002
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: http://h1707126.stratoserver.net/kup/pdf/1058.pdf
A large, unattached right atrial thrombus was accidentally detected in a 29 year old man with pneumonia and history of surgically corrected congenital heart disease. As surgery was not feasible, improvised management is described consisting of a combination of catheter-based extraction and mechanical fragmentation with local thrombolysis requiring temporary right atrial filter insertion. This was accomplished using a newly developed multipurpose wire-mesh basket resembling a badminton shuttle-cock. The above procedure was successful: the thrombus problem was solved within 24 hours. The proced
A kind of novel badminton footwork training device based on embedded system
Category: Biomechanics
Author: Wang, X., & Xu, Q.
Year: 2016
Language: English
Region: Asia
Source: http://en.cnki.com.cn/Article_en/CJFDTOTAL-CSGX201604017.htm
Badminton is a kind of mass sports for all ages, for it is easy to grasp. In order to enable the junior badminton enthusiasts to master the correct footwork quickly, this paper designed a kind of badminton footwork training device combined with voice and infrared remote control. The system’s hardware and software framework and some key procedures are given. A multi-faceted test and analysis verify that the footwork training device has a good performance with stability and practicability.
A mathematical analysis of badminton scoring systems
Category: Notional Analysis
Author: Percy, D. F.
Year: 2009
Language: English
Region: Europe
Source: https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1057/9781137534675_12
Although the sport of badminton originated about 2000 years ago, the Badminton Association of England published the first proper set of rules in 1893. The International Badminton Federation (IBF) was formed in 1934 and is now established as the game’s governing body. The rules remained almost unchanged until 2002, when the IBF introduced a series of experimental rule changes in order to make the game faster and more exciting. In 2006, some new rules were introduced for the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne, Australia, and this article evaluates these variations.