BWF Celebrates Excellence With MA Awards

May 27, 2024

Badminton World Federation (BWF) continued to celebrate excellence in badminton development and promotion through its prestigious Member Association awards, the third edition of which was held on 27 April 2024.

The awardees were announced at the BWF Annual General Meeting in Chengdu (China), recognising outstanding contributions in four key categories: the Membership Grant Programme Impact Award, Participation Award, Inclusion Award, and the Promotion Award. Each accolade honours innovative projects and initiatives that have significantly advanced the sport of badminton, fostering greater participation, inclusivity, and sustainability.

BWF extends its gratitude to all the Member Associations who participated this year and congratulates the 16 MAs shortlisted. Winning Member Associations received a US$1500 equipment grant prize. These remarkable projects have set new benchmarks in their respective categories.

BWF Membership Grant Programme Impact Award: Badminton Ireland’s BadminTEEN Project

Badminton Ireland’s BadminTEEN project addresses a significant drop in teenage participation, particularly among girls. This innovative initiative introduces teenagers aged 16 and older to various aspects of badminton, including playing, coaching, and officiating. Additionally, it emphasises personal well-being and nutrition.

After successful pilot programmes, BadminTEEN has expanded across all four provinces of Ireland. So far, 156 teenagers have completed a combination of online and face-to-face training. The programme has already yielded positive outcomes, with increased participation in school clubs, demonstrating its effectiveness in re-engaging teenagers in the sport.

Winner of the BWF Membership Grant Programme Impact Award: Badminton Ireland

Participation Award: Northern Marianas’ Interscholastic Competitive Badminton

The Northern Marianas Badminton Association has successfully integrated badminton as an interscholastic competitive sport in middle and high schools, building on the strong foundation laid by the Shuttle Time programme. By partnering with the public school system and its athletics department, the association has seen an impressive 81 per cent increase in participation within three years, making badminton the fastest-growing sport among the seven offered at the interscholastic level.

This initiative has attracted private sponsorships and facilitated the creation of a national junior training pool. Under-15 and under-17 teams have been formed and have already competed in the Oceania Invitation Team Challenges in New Zealand and Australia. Merlie Tolentino, President of the Northern Marianas Badminton Association, accepted the award from BWF Deputy-President Madame Khunying Patama Leeswadtrakul.

Winner of the Participation Award: Northern Marianas Badminton Association

Inclusion Award: Brazil’s Under-23 Para Badminton Championships

Brazil, a pioneer in Para badminton within the Pan Am region, has achieved considerable success at various competitive levels. However, recognising the need to involve younger athletes, the federation established the Diego Mota Under-23 Para Badminton Championships. Named in honour of a beloved Brazilian Para badminton classifier, the championships aim to attract a young generation to the sport. These events are held concurrently with senior national competitions, emphasising inclusivity. The initiative has led to 54 under-23 Para badminton players competing nationally, with five athletes recently winning medals at the 2023 Para Pan American Games in Santiago, Chile. Jose Roberto Santini Campos, President of the Brazilian Badminton Confederation, accepted the award.

Winner of the Inclusion Award: Confederacao Brasileira de Badminton

Promotion Award: Czech Republic’s Shuttlecock Sustainability Strategy

In response to the Czech Olympic Committee’s 2023 Sustainability Strategy, the Czech Badminton Federation launched a project focusing on recycling used shuttlecock tubes. This initiative was part of a broader effort to enhance sustainability and reduce environmental impact within sports federations by 2030. The federation’s programme collects used shuttle tubes from clubs, schools, and individuals, which are then processed and recycled into products such as thermal insulators, ecological bedding and hot water tank systems. So far, over 20 clubs have participated, and more than 200kg of used shuttle tubes collected. This initiative not only supports environmental sustainability but also promotes a positive image of the federation.

Winner of the Promotion Award: Czech Badminton Federation

The BWF Member Association Awards highlight the incredible efforts and achievements of badminton federations worldwide. These initiatives not only enhance the sport’s appeal and accessibility but also contribute significantly to the global badminton community’s growth and development.