Research Grants Online Application

BWF Research Grants


Before you start your application, please read the following steps carefully, which will assist you in preparing the information and documents you will need and answering the questions you will be asked in the process.

  • Every field has clear written instructions for filling up the particular section which should be strictly followed by the applicants while filling up the form.
  • Ensure that all the Evaluation Criteria in the Application Guidelines are addressed.
  • Once the form is completed, you can submit your application by clicking the “Submit” button.
  • Your Application will be automatically sent to the BWF Development Team.
  • You will received an email request to submit your supporting documents.
  • Please fill in the application form in ENGLISH

We have prepare a sample of the Online Application Form for your reference to assist you through the application process:
Application Form (Click here)

Applicants will receive an email request to submit the following supporting documents:

  • Researcher Curriculum Vitae
  • Endorsement letter from your Academic Institution, Research Center or from your Member Association*
  • Detailed budget breakdown
  • Budget Justification

* Endorsement Letter from your university/institution stating the research is being undertaken with the oversight of the university / institution’s academic programme

It is your responsibility to provide all supporting documents. Applications where information or documentation is incomplete may not be considered.

  • When can I apply for the BWF Sport Science Research Grants 2024/25?

The grant application process will open from 1 April 2024 to 24 May 2024.  Applicants are encouraged to download the Application Guidelines for further information on the grant application process and eligibility criteria.

  • Where can I submit an application? 

Applications must be submitted using the below online form.  The online application allows you to submit your complete application securely and quickly.

Applicants are encouraged to commence and submit their application as early as possible during the application period due to the large volume of users on the system in the lead up to the closing date. Submitting early ensures that you will not have any last minute technical problems due to the large number of applications being submitted.

* Please fill in the application form in ENGLISH

  • How can I be sure my application has been submitted? 

Once you have completed your application and click on the “Submit” button, you will be directed to a “Thank you” page. You may download/print a copy of your application by clicking on the “Print or get PDF of answers”. We strongly advise for you to keep a copy of the application form for your records.

If you have submitted your application but have not been directed to the Thank you page, you may contact us at [email protected]

  • How long will it take to have my application assessed?

As the BWF Research Programme attracts a large number of applications from all over the world, the processing time for applications takes between 4-5 weeks.  All applicants, both successful and unsuccessful will be notified of the outcome of their application.

  • If my application has been unsuccessful, can I be provided with information as to why?

Due to the high volume of applications received, the department does not provide individual feedback to unsuccessful applicants.

  • Should I submit additional documents not listed in the supporting documents of the applicant guidelines?

No. Applicants should not include additional documents which are not listed in the supporting documents table as they will not be taken into consideration.  To ensure a fair and equitable assessment, applications are only assessed on the required documents listed in the Supporting Documents section.

  • How much funding would each research project receive?

Normally, one project receives between USD 6.000-8.000.  However, the Evaluation Panel will confirm the final amount.

  • What can be included as ‘investigator allowance’?

The investigator allowance helps compensate for the time and personal expenses the research team will spend participating in the research project, duly justified.

  • Is an ethics approval required in order to conduct the research? 

Yes. Studies involving human participants require evidence that the research has been approved by research ethics committee.

  • Can I submit same project proposal from a previous year?

Applicants may submit the same project proposal twice with the condition of having significant changes introduced.

We collect personal information about applicants for the purpose of administering the BWF Sport Science Research Grant Programme. Your contact information will be used to contact you in relation to your project, and to inform you of new editions of the Programme. You can unregister at any time by writing to us.

Please note that if your project is selected for funding, we will publish your name, university, and project title.

The BWF Sport Science Research Grant 2024/25 application is now  CLOSED.

This is the list of successful applicants for the BWF Sport Science Research Grant 2024/25:

Institution Country Researcher Project Title
Loyola University Maryland U.S.A. Yun-Dih Wendy Chia-Smith & Lian Liao Gender and Age Dynamics: Examining Psychobiosocial States among Taiwanese Junior Badminton Competitors
Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom David Alder Development of a badminton-specific framework for the use of performance analysis in high-performance and talent development environments
University of L’Aquila (UNIVAQ) Italy Lorenzo Pugliese Evaluation of visual-perceptual abilities and their correlation with performance in badminton among athletes of different competitive levels, disciplines, and genders
Universidad Pontificia Comillas Spain Álvaro López-Samanes Influence of time-of-day, sleep and PER3 genotype on neuromuscular and cognitive factors in badminton players.
State University of Maringá Brazil Fabiana Andrade Machado Influence of notational and temporal variables on physical performance and physiological responses in elite Badminton athletes in national championship: differences between genders and disciplines.
University of Southern Denmark Denmark Malte Nejst Larsen Game formats in youth badminton
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Malaysia Mohd Rozilee Wazir Bin Norjali Wazir Predictive Machine Learning Modelling of Physical Performance Characteristics Based on Olympic Badminton Players Historical Data: A Gender and Discipline-Specific Analysis
University of Winchester United Kingdom David Jessop An investigation into the effects of increasing complexity of agility tests on measures of cognitive function/ performance
Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia Cheong Hwa Ooi The Impact of Regular Badminton Games on Physiological Adaptations and Psychological Well-being of the Elderly
Manipal College of Health Professions (MCHP) & Simply Sports Foundation India Tanugatri Majumder & Aditi Mutatkar Indian Badminton Athletes’ Menstrual Cycle: Health, changing perceptions and performance-determining psycho-physiological variables across the different phases.
Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia Hazwani Ahmad Yusof Unravelling Genetic Potential: Personalized Exercise Training and Injury Prevention Strategies in Badminton Players
Huazhong University of Science and Technology China Xiao ZHOU The effects of neuromuscular training programs for injury prevention in elite university badminton players
Sports Orthopedic Research Center Copenhagen Denmark Per Hölmich The BadmINTACt study: Is training load and match load correlated to injuries in adolescent badminton players?
University of Iowa & Universiti Malaya USA / Malaysia Chih-Chia (JJ) Chen & Mohd Firdaus Abdullah Evaluating the Impact of Unified Badminton Programs on the Physical Health, Social Integration, and Quality of Life Among Special Olympics Athletes
Central University of Haryana India Kumar.P Game Changers Decoding Decision Influencers in Badminton Officiating
Leeds Beckett University United Kingdom Sofie Kent Knowledge is power: A multi-method, cross-cultural examination of mental health literacy among elite badminton players and coaches.
Universiti Malaysia Sabah Malaysia Frederick Josue Frederick Mojilon Adaptation of Physical Testing Protocols for Assessing Performance and Fitness Levels in Para Badminton Athletes