Can an individual apply for equivalency for their coaching qualifications? 

No, the Member Association (MA) issuing the qualification would need to undertake the equivalency process.  Once this is carried out, the equivalent status will apply to all coaches who have that qualification.

Why should a Member Association undertake the process? 

Equivalency benefits their coaches by allowing them to use their credentials to further their education and/or employment, as described in the tab above.

Is the equivalency process obligatory? 

It is a voluntary process aimed at achieving greater flexibility.  MAs can choose to apply for BWF Level 1 equivalent status, or they can seek recognition for BWF Level 2 and even Level 3. (However, in the future when coaches need to be licensed, MAs with their own coach education systems will need to have at least BWF Level 1 equivalent status for licensing.)

How long will the application process take?

This will depend on how easily an MA is able to identify and document the way they handle the key competencies in the BWF Coach Education programme.  This is meant to be as streamlined as possible, and we will provide any guidance needed to make this an easy task. 

Is there a cost for Member Associations to apply for equivalent status?

No, there is no cost involved. 

If a country’s national Level “X” is equivalent to BWF Level 1, will those Level “X” coaches receive a BWF Level 1 certificate?

No, BWF certificates are only issued to candidates who have successfully completed BWF courses.

If a country’s national Level 1 is equivalent to a BWF Level 1, that means those national Level 1 coaches can go on a BWF Level 2 course.  Does this mean that the country also has to accept BWF Level 1 coaches on their national Level 2 course?

Not at all (although they are certainly welcome to do so).  Our aim is to help people work with the BWF system, not to impose any requirements on national systems.