Classifier Development

Para badminton athletes are grouped to compete in one of six Sport Classes to ensure fair and safe competition.

  • Wheelchair Sport Classes – WH 1 and WH 2
  • Standing Sport Classes – SL 3, SL 4 and SU 5
  • Short Stature Sport Class – SH 6

This grouping is carried out by certified BWF International Classifiers, who evaluate players and determine their sport class and sport class status for play in tournaments. More information about the different sport classes and the Classification Regulations can be downloaded on the Regulations page of the BWF Corporate site.

BWF National Classifier Development
To encourage the delivery of tournaments at a national level, the BWF supports the development of national classifiers. BWF National Classifier workshops are delivered in two levels. National Classifier Level 1 & 2 workshops involve a combination of theory and observation sessions, and are designed to support National Badminton Associations, who wish to deliver Para badminton activities and tournaments in their country.

Please note that in order to attend a National Level 2 Classifier Workshop, participants must meet specific criteria, we therefore advise Member Associations and National Paralympic Committees to select representatives based on their long-term plans to develop a national classifier workforce.

BWF International Classifier Development
In order to service the classification of athletes at International Tournaments, the BWF has developed a small yet active workforce of International Classifiers. The training of International Classifiers is carried out on a need’s basis, through a closed selection process.

For more information on the BWF Para badminton classifier structure and pathway please click here.

The National Level 1 Classifier Workshop is open to anyone with an interest in Para badminton and athlete classification. Current, active athletes are unable to attend this workshop. The workshop does not require a background in the field of medicine or physiotherapy.

The aims/objectives of the National Level 1 Workshop are:

  • To introduce the theory of classification in Para badminton.
  • To introduce the Minimal Impairment Criteria and show how these are applied in Player Evaluation.
  • To observe Player Evaluation under supervision and identify the stages and the roles of the Classifier in the process.

Please note that attending this workshop does not qualify a person to classify athletes at an international level.

The National Level 2 Classifier Workshop requires participants to hold a recognised medical or physiotherapy qualification.

The aims/objectives of the National Level 2 Workshop are:

  • To focus in detail on the theory of classification in Para badminton.
  • To focus in detail on the Minimal Impairment Criteria and show how these are applied in Player Evaluation.
  • To observe Player Evaluation under supervision and identify the stages and the roles of the Classifier in the process.

In order to attend this course participants must meet the following criteria:

  • Qualified in one or more of the following disciplines:
    • Medical: a doctor who has experience in dealing with people with the impairments and the Activity Limitations described in the Competition Profiles
    • Medical: a physiotherapist who has experience in dealing with people with the impairments and Activity Limitations described in Competition Profiles
  • Participant must have attended BWF National Level 1 Classifier Workshop previously

(please attach copy of National Level 1 Classifier Workshop certificate and medical certificates with your application)

Please note that attending this workshop does not qualify a person to classify athletes at an international level.

Dubai, UAE (December 2023)

Vitoria, Spain (February 2023)

Cali, Colombia (2022)

Dubai, UAE (2022)

Dublin, Ireland (2019)

Dublin, Ireland (2018)

Members Associations, National Paralympic Committees and National Para Badminton Associations are invited to submit applications for the programmes in 2024 to support the development of Para badminton globally.

Nominations should be submitted by Member Associations, National Para-Badminton Federations or National Paralympic Committees only. Any direct nominations from participants, will not be accepted.

There will be no fee incurred for attending the workshop. However, participants are responsible in booking their own travel and accommodation to attend the workshop.

Please return the application form to BWF Development Manager, Suvashini ([email protected]) by the mentioned deadline in the form. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come, first served basis